A simple cake for beginners, with all in-house ingredients.
- All purpose flour – 8 Tsp
- Sugar – 8 Tsp
- Cocoa Powder – 4 Tsp
- Milk – 6 Tsp
- Oil – 6 Tsp
- Baking powder – 2Tsp
- Egg – 1
- For Ganashe –
- Chocolate chips – 1 cup
- Cream – 1 cup
Whisk Egg, Sugar, Milk and oil in a big mixing bowl. Now add cocoa powder and mix well.
Pre heat oven at 350 degree F.
Smear butter on a baking tray. Pour the cake batter in the tray and bake for about 20 minutes. Insert a thin knife and check if it comes out clean. This shows that the cake is cooked perfect.
Take the cake out of the oven and allow to cool. Remove the tray and keep the cake ready for ganashing. Place the cake over a tray to collect excess ganashe.
Prepare the ganashe – Take the cream in a microwavable cup and heat for 2 minutes or until hot. Pour the hot cream over chocoloate chips and mix well. Ganashe is ready to be poured over the cake.
Pour the ganashe over the cake and pat well to form a smooth texture.
Allow atleast an hour for the ganashe to set or you can also refrigerate for faster results.
Simple chocolate is ready to be served or cut for a birthday/celebration.!